Worldcon 75 programme
Worldcon 75 is approaching fast and I’m excited to be part of the programme! Details here (NOTE! Change of room for Finnish horror panel on Sat. at 1:00 PM: new venue is Hall 3.2.)
Kaffeeklatsch: Marko Hautala
1 hour, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM | Messukeskus, Holiday inn cabinet – 9th floor
Sometimes called ”The Finnish Stephen King,” Marko Hautala has received multiple prizes for his psychological horror and suspense novels published in Finnish. His The Black Tongue (”a gripping novel about a terrifying story with the power to silence”) is now available in English as well as the graphic novel adaptation of his short story Pale Toes by the artist Broci. Marko himself is now available in Helsinki for a kaffeeklatsch. Space is limited, so you must sign up in advance. To sign up for a kaffeeklatsch, visit the Information Desk.
Finnish Horror (panel)
1 hour, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM | Messukeskus, Hall 3.2.
Moderator Matti Järvinen | Marko Hautala | Hanna Morre | Tiina Raevaara
Finland has quite a few horror writers. What makes horror specifically Finnish? Are Finns easier or more difficult to scare than others?
Suomikummaa maailmalla! Torille? (panel, in Finnish)
1 hour, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM | Messukeskus, 207
Moderator i. simes | Pasi Ilmari Jääskeläinen | Salla Simukka | Marko Hautala
Suomikummaa eli Finnish Weirdiä viedään kovaa vauhtia ulkomaille. Miten se tapahtuu ja joko on aihetta tavata torilla?
Collaboration Between a Writer and an Artist
1 hour, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM | Messukeskus, 216
Broci | Marko Hautala
Marko Hautala and Broci discuss the collaboration between a writer and an artist.